Mock and Exam
in class
Thur 5th & 12th June 2025
Thur 16th & 23rd Oct
Wed 5th & 12th Nov
Times and details;
Mock – Dunchideock Arrival 9.30 am mock 10.30- 12.30 pm, with group feedback after lunch and practice during the afternoon.
The mock will consist of 3 pieces, one from each unit you have covered. You will receive details of the designs you will make and materials you will need to bring with you. This is a time for you to practice the exam and have feedback, we can let you know if you are ready for the exam and see if you need any extra support or practice.
Exam – Dunchideock arrival 9.30 Exam 10.30 am- 12.30 pm, with individual feedback from 1.30 pm.
The exam will consist of 3 pieces, one from each unit you have covered. You will receive details of the designs you will make but not the materials you will have to use. All materials (flowers and sundries) will be provided, you will just need a tool box.
Successful completion will give you a British Academy of Floral Art Certificate and pin for your website.
Why take the exam?
This is an optional unit which can be completed after completing 3 practical units and the heart of design and is designed to do four things:-
Check you can work to a commercial speed.
Prove that you can work under exam conditions.
Prove that you can produce designs to a good commercial standard and finish.
Demonstrate that you can apply design principles to design.
The reasons why you may like to complete the exam:-
To achieve a grade for the work you produce.
Receive an Academy of Floral Art Master Training Program full Certificate for your level.
Help prepare you for future floristry exams at a higher level.
Help you understand marking criteria for competition work you may want to enter in the future.
A pass at level three will enable you to continue to level four.
Have an Academy qualified Florist badge for your website
Apply to British Floristry Association for membership to Institute of Professional Floristry (IoPF)
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Registered in England and Wales, number 8814756. Registered Office at 3 Dunchideock Barton, Dunchideock, Near Exeter, Devon, EX2 9UA VAT No 193457380
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